• ニュース
  • 【365体育直播】2020年度前学期授業の取り扱い(概要)について 【URAYASU campus】Handling of First-term Classes in the FY2020 Academic Year (Overview)


2020.04.21 大学からのお知らせ


















5/7(木)~ 5/15(金)



5/18(月)~ 8/8(土)








































学事課(教務担当) 電話:047-350-4993

取扱時間 平日 09001700


【URAYASU campus】Handling of First-term Classes in the FY2020 Academic Year (Overview)

In accordance with the declarations issued by the national and local governments under the terms of the Act on Special Measures for the Novel Coronavirus, Meikai University has postponed the starting date of classes in the first term of the 2020 academic year to Monday, May 18. At this point the growth in infections with this disease shows no sign of stopping.

With this background in mind, the University has suspended all in-person orientation sessions and classes and is switching to the use of an online learning system. Accordingly, classes in the first term will be handled as follows.


Wednesday, April 22

  • Announcement of method of handling classes (applies to all students)
  • Release of course registration documents (applies to enrolled students)

Friday, April 24

  • Sending by mail of course registration handbooks (for new students; includes those skipping a year and those entering graduate school)

Tuesday, April 28

  • Video release of orientation about courses
  • Start of online sales of textbooks
  • Disclosure of individual time and class assignments (for new department entrants)
  • Release of manual on use of online learning resources

Thursday, May 7 to Friday, May 15

  • Start of course registration (for enrolled students)

Note: New students do not need to perform course registration.

Please take the courses specified by the University as indicated in your individual time assignments.

Monday, May 18 to Saturday, August 8

  • Start of remote classes (basically as on-demand classes)
  • If conditions improve sufficiently during the first term, normal in-person classes may resume.

Note: For details, please view the official University website, the Urayasu campus website or the Web portal system.

  • Preparations for start of classes on Monday, May 18

All students are asked to proceed with their preparations for remote classes ahead of the start of classes.

  • Make sure your communication environment at home is in order so that you can attend remote classes.
  • If possible, prepare a PC or tablet.
  • New students in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) will receive instructions from faculty.
  • If you are unable to prepare a PC or tablet, please use a smartphone.

Note: Students aged 25 and under who use a major telecoms carrier (DoCoMo, au, SoftBank) can use up to 50GB free of charge (period of availability differs for each company).

  • Everyone is expected to use the online learning system.

Note: Details are provided in the separate user’s manual.

  • Please obtain the necessary textbooks.

For the method of purchase, please check the notices sent to you or consult the Urayasu Campus website.

Your instructors are working closely to support you, to ensure that everyone can attend their online classes with confidence. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Distribution of Information Via the Web Portal System

  • Materials for class orientations will be made available online.
    Similarly, detailed information on course registration, purchase of textbooks, preparations for start of remote classes and so on is available from the Web portal system as well as the Urayasu Campus website.
  • Please register your e-mail address

All students are asked to register your on e-mail address .

If you have not yet registered an e-mail address, please do so now.

If you do not register an e-mail address, you will be unable to receive important notices disseminated by the University, placing you at great disadvantage in your student life.

Classes Starting as Remote Classes

  • Classes in the first term start as remote classes from May 18.

Each of the courses taught at the University is assigned a certain number of units. If you have registered to attend a course, have attended the classes and have received a passing grade based on examinations, submitted papers, etc., you will be awarded the units.

Obtaining one unit requires 45 hours of study, combining time spent in the classroom with time spent studying on your own.

In this case, instead of attending classes in person, you will be attending classes through the use of the online learning system.

  • How to attend classes
  • Basically, students work on their own time on problems assigned to them in advance. In these on-demand classes, instructors use e-mail or similar media to explain the answers to questions, provide correction and guidance, answer questions from students, provide additional explanation and offer advice and other feedback as appropriate.
  • Real-time classes will be presented live over the internet at preset times. Instructors present these classes online and respond live to questions from students.

Note: Formats differ for each course. Be sure to follow the instructions for your course.

  • As the impact from the spread of viral infection wanes, so that in-person lessons once again become possible, the University intends to resume conducting classes in person in classrooms. However, when that time comes, instructors may at their discretion decide to continue remote classes until the end of the first term. In such cases please follow the instructions of the instructor in charge.

  • Courses that cannot be taught via remote classes

Depending on their content and nature, remote classes may not be appropriate for some courses. In such cases the classes will be cancelled or postponed. In the case of postponement, our current thinking is that the classes will be presented as intensive classes during the second term of the 2020 academic year or during spring break.

  • During the first term of this academic year, limits are placed on the number of courses that can be taken, as well as on study-abroad opportunities and extracurricular activities such as volunteer activities. However, these shortfalls will be compensated over the following several years, as sufficient study opportunities will be provided by offering classes during the spring and summer breaks and expanding study-abroad, internship and volunteer programs.

Your instructors are building a framework to provide you with as much support as possible, to allay any uncertainties you may have regarding remote classes.

To All Parents

The measures outlined above are temporary measures implemented in view of current conditions surrounding the spread of the novel coronavirus. They are aimed at providing students with a safe environment by reducing the risk of clusters of new infections. Under normal conditions, the University conducts its classes in person. However, during this pandemic the University’s top priority is to provide students with high-quality educational opportunities in a safe and secure environment. As part of these emergency measures, we ask parents for their understanding as we implement these remote classes.

With these difficult conditions expected to prevail for a considerable period, supporting students’ learning environment will unavoidably entail a great deal of effort and trouble. If we all make the effort to understand these extraordinary circumstances and take steps to prevent the spread of infection, we can overcome this challenge and bring it to an early conclusion.

For inquiries regarding classes, please contact:

Educational Affairs Section (teaching affairs staff (gakujika kyomu-tanto))

Tel: 047-350-4993

Hours of operation: Weekdays 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

(Closed Wednesday, April 29 to Wednesday, May 6)
